Friday, January 6, 2012

Recharging the DIY batteries and leveling up again.

The holidays don't usually mean it's time to put away the spackle and hammer. Indeed, the unusually pleasant winter weather and having Andrea home means we could do a few more things. I was able to do more to improve the kitchen and we spent some time together discussing what we should do to our house in 2012.

This is also a fun time to visit my creative sister, her husband, and Molly their guard dog. I really enjoy visiting my sister because her home is an inspiration to both me and Andrea. She once studied painting and has always brought an amazing sense of style and taste to anything she does. She currently is in the antiquing business and we love to go around with her this time of year to fish for good finds and to get home decor ideas. Whenever Andrea and I watch any type of home decor show, we are amazed at how bad their overall taste in things are. They also seem cold and not at all appealing. However, my sister seems to innately understand the fine line between art/color/style and placement when home decorating. It's inspiring to us to see what she has done to her home of 20 years and she's give us permission to post a view pics for your pleasure.

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