That philosophy doesn't really work for me in life except when it comes to acquiring free things off of Craigslist.
I always tell Andrea to be patient when we need something to update our house such as doors, kitchen cabinets etc. Readers of this blog might recall last year's luck in getting new, white kitchen cabinets from an artist in W. Oakland. I firmly believe that what we need for the house will essentially show up on Craigslist.
This past week was another prime example of "Secret-ing" Craigslist.
We always talked about getting a trundle bed for the guest bedroom ($200-$400 new) and new linoleum to complete our kitchen updating ($200-$300). Lo and behold, there was a post giving away some free, new linoleum.
The picture showed a nice shiny roll that would work in our kitchen and so I responded and someone got back to me that I had to "come get it now". It was only a few blocks away in the once-industrial heart of W. Oakland. To my surprise, I stumbled upon 6 acres of artist studios and one of the artists there was clearing things out. Not only did I get some great linoleum to cover our pathetically old floor, I learned of a huge art scene only a few blocks away.
Then this past weekend, I saw an ad giving away a vintage metal trundle bed. Andrea and I had talked about what kind of bed would make sense in the small bedroom for guests and a trundle offers the ability to accommodate a single guest or a couple.
I emailed them that I was interested in it but didn't have a truck to haul it. To my pleasant surprise, they offered to deliver it as well. This young couple came by and showed it to me and it was in fantastic shape! Nothing missing, all original parts and even had the original tag on it. The young woman said it used to belong to her grandmother and that they no longer needed it. I gave them some lemons to thank them and then spray painted it white and it looks brand new! I plan on looking for metal railings to turn it into a daybed too and then all it would need are fresh, new mattresses. We would only buy a new mattress and would NEVER use craigslist for that. Who knows what bedbugs and other yukky thinks you would find in a used mattress.
So we are going to install the new linoleum and look for new mattresses soon. If you apply 'The Secret' to your home needs and Craigslist, you may too get everything you want!