A few days ago, we received a mysterious gift card for Home Depot. The card was unsigned and we can't quite figure out who would have sent this to us. We imagine it must be someone who follows our blog so we are posting a great big "Thank You" to you DIY-Santa.
Just in time too! I was just about to head out to HD to pick up a few things for the new kitchen iteration and this helps come in handy. We also scored some very nice cafe curtains at an estate sale and needed some hardware for it.
So thank from from both us. This kind of gift means a lot to both of us as we slug through fixing up this old house.
Happy Holidays and hope to return the favor some day!
And to everyone else, stay safe and inspired in 2012. Surprises always abound!
UPDATE: Andrea tells me the gift card came from her friend Heather living in Portland, OR. Thanks for the nice gift Heather and Happy New Year!